The University of Iowa
College of Education
Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation
Iowa Center for Assistive Technology, Education, and Research
Introduction to Assistive Technology – Online Course

Assignment #10 (20 points)

Choose one of the following questions and answer in a two to four page essay.

  1. Use the principles of Universal Design for Learning to develop a lesson plan that will accommodate the different learning styles of all students in your class. Assume that the class contains typical students as well as students with physical impairments, learning disabilities, visual impairments, and hearing impairments.


  1. You have a family member with a physical disability that causes him to use a wheelchair. You want to move into a house that will accommodate his needs as a wheelchair user, but you also want to accommodate the needs of the rest of your family without disabilities. Using the principles of Universal Design, discuss some options that you would want included in the house so that people with and without disabilities will be able to live comfortably and independently.